
Juan Fernando, Juan Franco, Danny Loza

Friday, April 27, 2012

Community issue and Community partner

There is an issue in education and backgrounds in the community. There is an issue in how we take care of our households. There is an issue that affect our kids. There is a big issue that needs to be resolved. The issue is not having control of what goes on in our kids lives and not paying attention to their childhood. Kids are growing out without any parental attention. They are having trouble with learning, they have no role model, they don't receive this from school. They have problems in their outer parts of their house-holds. With this broad issues, we could learn more stuff about this community. We could learn that the community is eager to work with us. We are able to work with the community thanks to our community partner. This community doesn't want any help from people they don't know. Our community partner helped us interact and work with families so that we are able to work with their kids. The community families don't want strangers helping their kids. The problem with this kids was that they need permission from their families so we had to deal with that. This was a community issue that we addressed to our community partner, and he helped us by talking to them and making the families more secure about what we are doing.
We learned that even thought this community has many difficulties, we can overcome them by working with our community advisor. He deals with their families so that we can deal with their kids. We can overcome the overall problems and we can understand what is what we are working with. We know there will always be problems and struggles in the community, but the output will be more important than what we have to deal with. My group and I learned about the community, and we learned how to solve the issues. We also learned what are the good things of working with them. This as overall is a good experience and now we know what we will deal with in the future.

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